


Tom’s 8 week transformation as featured in Men’s Health Magazine.

“I went into Roar Fitness not knowing what to expect, but the immediate professionalism filled me with confidence.

Rich devised a week by week plan and explained exactly why we were doing what we were doing. As a result, I watched my body change week by week. We put in some hard sessions, but it was never about sweating until I was on the verge of collapse, more a steady progression through weights and interesting exercises.

As a result, I watched myself get stronger – and leaner – and enjoyed every minute of it. The professionalism of every member of staff is what really made Roar Fitness stand out for me. Unlike other gyms, I couldn’t wait to go back for another session, and together we made the most of every second, leading to amazing results. ”

8 weeks to Men’s Health Cover Model


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